san francisco

San Francisco Documentary Family Session

San Francisco Documentary Family Session

Sometimes you get families who just get it. They understand that while an hour family session is wonderful, it’s not really what a day in their lives looks like. This family wanted to spend a few hours just documenting what life is really like when you have a small child. Jessica is a destination photographer and ends up taking her family with her some of the time. This is what life looks like for a lot of traveling photographers. It’s not always glamorous or easy, but there is beauty in it. When you’re gone a lot and constantly busy, sometimes you just have to bring the whole family!

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San Francisco Boudoir Session

San Francisco Boudoir Session

*nudity warning

I was just talking to another photographer about why we prefer, and pretty much insist, on photographing in our client’s homes. We were discussing how it forces you out of your comfort zone. You have no idea how light will fall and at what time. You don’t know which space will be your favorite or create a reaction in your veins. Having a studio space has it’s own pros, but it can start to become repetitive. The last thing I want is for the work that I’m creating for these women to become second nature.

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Destination Boudoir Photographer

Destination Boudoir Photographer

*this post contains some nudity

It’s crazy to think that destination photography has gone beyond weddings, but it absolutely has. I like to let people know when I’m traveling for work or pleasure because more times than not, I book a few extra sessions. These are people that live in different parts of the world, but follow my work. It’s so neat to meet people, who have been supporting me through social media for the last few years. I also book destination sessions all on their own and will often times fly or drive to them.

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