
Wellington Family Photographer

Wellington Family Photographer

Something I really love about this session is that you can almost feel the warmth of the sun when looking through the photographs. It just feels like home. There is light and laughter and so much love. They truly never stopped laughing and playing.

This session celebrated the joy of their family, the beauty of motherhood, and their deep connection to nature.

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Surrendering What "Could" Be In Motherhood

I've been fighting motherhood since Maeve was born. I have a hard time letting go of control. There is something so hard about surrendering your thought of how parenthood "would" be.

But, the other side has been incredibly beautiful.

It's not Maeve's responsibility to inspire my growth, but she has just by her sheer existence. I'm facing hard truths about myself and areas I need to stretch and improve upon. This is the work I should have been putting in long before I had a child, simply to become a better person. But, I wasn't. She pushes me to see my areas of weakness and make them into the strongest parts of me.

I never realized how resilient I can be until the process of becoming pregnant and everything that has followed.

She's also made me the best version of an artist to date. I've always served mothers, but now it goes much deeper. The way I can empathize and strive to give them an experience that will mean more as the years go by. This time in our lives is all about survival and my mission is to give mothers a few moments of breath...a few moments of letting go of control and expectations.

"I feel there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people: - Van Gogh

Little girl in dress, running into the ocean waves during a colorful sunrise

Where Is My Village | Postpartum Depression

Where Is My Village | Postpartum Depression

When there were villages was postpartum depression as prevalent? We feel we have to preface every complaint with, “I love my child, BUT…” It’s out of fear of judgement, or hell, fear of saying how hard this is out loud and admitting that we don’t know how or when it will get better. We weren’t designed to live this way. Maeve was designed to have many sisters and brothers, in a village. My husband and I were designed to have others around us who told the same stories and helped us look after our little love. I don’t know the solution, but I write all of this because I don’t know where else to put it at times. I write all of this because I know we could fill so many villages full of people who are out there, crying, because they don’t have a village.

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Preserving a Fisher Island Family's Legacy Through Photographs

Preserving a Fisher Island Family's Legacy Through Photographs

What do you want the world to remember about you? What do you want your children to remember about you as a parent? How do you want your spouse to feel thirty years from now? How will you preserve those memories that you cherish and spent years making?

This is why I work very closely with my custom printer, framer, and album artisan. Preserving my client’s legacy by print is as equally important as photographing them.

Don’t let your legacy die on a hard drive.

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Celebrating a 40th Wedding Anniversary with a Family Session in Rosemary Beach

Celebrating a 40th Wedding Anniversary with a Family Session in Rosemary Beach

Alison’s immediate family was traveling to Alys Beach to celebrate her parent’s 40th wedding anniversary. It was a time that everyone was going to be in one place together, celebrating an important milestone. What made this trip even more special is that a recent health scare had them thinking that their dad might not be making this trip. Luckily he was okay, but this was a big reason behind the need for making sure they had tangible memories from their trip. During the session Alison and I talked about how scared they had all been. How her dad was such a key part of their family and how much these photographs were going to mean to all of them. Not only for the kids, but as the grandchildren got older.

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