Wellington Family Photographer

When a session feels like a warm hug.

This maternity/family session in Wellington truly captured how this family lives every day. There was nothing contrived or forced.

It reminds me of this writing:

“All the productive people seem to wake an hour earlier. That's what I'll do. I'll get dressed before you wake up. Put a wash on. Make some porridge, like Mama Bear. Up before the rest of the house, all set to attack the day, rather than let it attack me. 

So, I scurry around quietly getting dressed. But, true to form, you wake up and cry out for me. My plans are scuppered before they even began. 

I chance a look at your face to ascertain just how sleepy you are. Maybe this is you awake for the day now. It could go either way at this point. You snuggle into my shoulder and I take that as my cue to sashay you back to sleep in order to buy us both another half hour or so. 

It works, but each time I go to place you back in your bed you nuzzle in tighter. So I surrender, with my half-washed face, and lower us both down onto your mattress. 

And we lie there, you zonked out, and me listening out, for the alarm. What is it about these forbidden morning cuddles, when you've somewhere to be, that just feel better than at any other time? 

Your sleepiness is contagious and starts to wash over me. Moments later, the alarm sounds and it's all stations go. 

I had no idea that motherhood would feel like a constant internal battle between doing and being. And that you, little darling, would hold the answer. You and your unerring ability to remind me of what's really important.” 

Words: Mother Truths From "Warm Like Summer: Little Stories of Early Motherhood" 

Mom’s focus was to document love, happiness, and fun within their family. Her words were, “I want to document my family and my pregnancy, while honoring the positive things about motherhood! I love having beautiful photographs of my family.”

With mom and dad both being veterinarians, we knew that we had to incorporate their family dog and love for animals. While spending most of the year up north, and only a short time a year practicing in Wellington, the horses weren’t transported in enough time for the session (being that mom was due very soon). Cece, the family dog, was happy to run alongside the children with her favorite toys. She was never far away as we did the session and it made it that much more special.

Dad spent time swinging the kids around and giving them kisses every chance he got. My focus is always mom, but dad was so sweet that I had to get those moments, too. It was important to emphasize the deep connection with his children, along with their love for active play and outdoor activities.

Something I really love about this session is that you can almost feel the warmth of the sun when looking through the photographs. It just feels like home. There is light and laughter and so much love. They truly never stopped laughing and playing.

We ended in the pool since that’s where they spend a lot of their time. There is nothing photographing a maternity session with the siblings there. Not only will these memories mean more and more to mom and dad as the years go on, these three children will have documentation of what life was like when they new their newest friend was about to arrive.

This session celebrated the joy of their family, the beauty of motherhood, and their deep connection to nature.

*Mom and daughter’s matching dresses HERE.

Wellington Family Photographer