palm beach

Boudoir isn't for everyone and neither am I

Boudoir isn't for everyone and neither am I

I want outrageous promises and to ask for outrageous demands. I want to create magic not for, but with my clients. I don’t want limitations based on based experiences or beliefs. I want to live in a world where we create our own, unique experiences. I’m not just offering an end product of art on their walls, I’m demanding we go on a journey together where there is no option other than growth and being uncomfortable at times. I want vulnerability that leads to courage. I want richness that we feel in our bones when we create together.

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How Do I Find You

How Do I Find You

In a world where people just want the smallest, simplest piece of you, how do you show them that you need each other?

So much of owning a small business is meeting the people who will “get” what you do and want to be a part of it. If you’re doing it right, it’s not even a huge number of people, just enough that trust your vision and want it for themselves. But, when you have one minute to listen to their story and one minute to tell yours, how do you connect?

I’m so tired of the small talk, “I’m a life coach, oh, you’re a photographer? I need some new headshots.”

We know you do so much more than just coach people. Do you know that I do so much more than take a few photos of people?

How do we get there? How do we find meaning in these short conversations?

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Do It Because There Is Only One You and Your Legacy Matters

Do It Because There Is Only One You and Your Legacy Matters

Imagine putting yourself first for once.

What would that feel like?

What could you create? What would that allow you to say “yes” to? What would that allow you to say “no” to?

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Why It's Important to Work with a Photographer Who Uses a Professional Framer

Why It's Important to Work with a Photographer Who Uses a Professional Framer

After my client unboxed her frame she immediately texted me, “Oh my gosh, we just opened the photo collage…what a piece of art! Truly beautiful! We are thrilled.”

I will never get tired of this career.

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Finding a New Normal

Finding a New Normal

The world is beginning to open back up and I’m feeling…sad.

I know, that sounds crazy, but hear me out.

Let me start by saying that I know how privileged this statement is. People have been without income, not able to see family, sick, dying, working overtime, caring for the sick and dying, living with their abusers, missing their senior year or school, and living in their depression.

I have been able to work and still provide services to my clients (past and new) through this quarantine. I don’t take that lightly.

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