family maternity session

Life Photographer

Life Photographer

If you asked me what the highest honor of my career is, I would tell you it is when I get to photograph repeat clients. Yes, beautiful photography is important, but more important than that is the experience. I want the people that stand in front of my camera to want to return to it year after year. I want their photographs to line the walls of their homes. I used to love looking at the family vacation photos that the Kennedys had taken every year they traveled. Real moments. Raw moments.

Krysten is someone who I’ve photographed through all of her huge life events. We were new friends when I photographed her wedding and now she is like a sister. We’ve built a trust around my camera and she allows me to fully create art. When new life events come up we already know I’m going to be there to photograph it. We create mood boards and talk locations. She’s hired me to photograph her engagement session in Tallahassee, wedding in Jupiter, maternity photos in Atlanta and Miami, boudoir in Tallahassee, and travel to Oregon. What an incredible ride.

I love travel, I love photography, and I love documenting real moments in people’s lives. I hope to be many people’s “life photographer” during my career.

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What It Means When Someone Invests In Me

What It Means When Someone Invests In Me

“Support small businesses”. This is something you see posted a lot on social media, or talked about in social settings. It really is every single client that keeps a small business owner afloat. Sarah Beth is one of those clients.

I’ve known Sarah Beth for several years. She first hired me to photograph a boudoir session of her, then her wedding, and again when she was pregnant with her second child. I got to witness her marry her loving husband and photograph her when she was carrying their child. Sarah Beth is a hair genius and has a lot of connections. I know that she could have very easily hired someone else for those events, but she chose me. She believes in my art and wants to make sure I flourish. This type of relationship builds my confidence, keeps me in business, and solidifies my decision to do what I do for a living. Not only that, but it allows us to build a trust. I’m able to show up and create art because I know that Sarah Beth believes in what I do, as she has hired me for three huge life events. She has become completely comfortable in front of my camera, and let’s face it, she’s a goddess (I mean, just view the photos).

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