Amanda and I recently became friends when commenting on the same post. I’m so honored that she wanted to share her story on my blog. That’s all I’m going to say because her words matter more right now.
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It’s definitely important that we do things behind the scenes and put the hard work in. But, it’s also important that I speak out so that people know where I stand and feel represented. I have had/have black clients and if I expect them to feel comfortable with giving their business to me, I need to be very clear on where I stand; I stand with them.
People are watching. If you are afraid of losing followers or clients because you post things like BLM or that you fight for injustice, black people are going to take notice. If I’m going to give my money to a company then I want to know that company is someone who would stand up for me and with me.
Just like you’re seeing a lot these days, it’s not enough to be non-racist, we need to be anti-racist. For white people, this is going to take a lot of hard work. You’re going to get really uncomfortable. That’s a good thing. That means you’re learning.
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