The Gift of Boudoir - Boca Raton Boudoir Session

From the first email I received from Melissa I knew that we were going to be creating art together. I have questions in my inquiry form that show me immediately how someone sees the world and I knew that I wanted to give her this experience. I’ll let you read her WHY and her experience through this journey together.

“I initially had the idea to look into a boudoir session because I was having a lot of trepidation about my upcoming 40th birthday; although I had never had anxiety about an age before, for some reason turning 40 seemed monumental in my mind as a crossroads into a new era in my life, and I wanted to something just for me as a way to honor this. I also had recently transitioned out of the work force more into becoming a stay at home mom for my 3 young children....and while I love being their mom, I felt like I got lost somewhere along the way as having an identity outside of "just mom". I wanted to do something just for ME separate from my children, and something that reminded me that I am a woman and a wife as well. I also struggle with low self-esteem and confidence, and at many points over the years- I didn't feel comfortable with how I looked or was perceived. I want my children, especially my daughters, to feel confident in their own skin and accept all of themselves as they are and not be afraid to show themselves to the world. I knew that in order to model and teach this concept to my children, I needed to embody that for myself. While this is something that I have continued to work on as I get older, I realized boudoir photos could be an important step in this process of self-acceptance and self-love. However, boudoir photos were soo far out of my comfort zone that I really didn't know if I would go through with it, but I decided to test the waters and at least take the first step to reach out and find out more information.”

How did you feel after seeing my website and filling out that inquiry form? Were you nervous? Excited? A mix?

“When I found your website, I knew instantly that this was the type of photo shoot that I wanted for myself, if I were to do this. I looked at several websites and quickly realized that there are many styles and different ways to have boudoir photos done - but I didn't connect with any of the other photos until I saw yours. Your photographs were artistic yet sexy, flowy and ethereal yet authentic, graceful yet natural - your photos seemed to show women as they were, with all their imperfections and vulnerabilities - and THAT was beautiful. I knew that if I were to use boudoir photos as part of my journey in accepting myself as I am and seeing the beauty in that - you were the one who was going to make it happen. After filling out the initial inquiry form, I was incredibly nervous but I honestly didn't really think anything would come of it. Again, the idea of a boudoir shoot was so far out of my personal comfort zone that I didn't see myself necessarily going through with it but I kept telling myself just to keep taking steps forward and see what comes of it.”

How did the idea of my process (spending a lot of time planning and getting to know you in-depth) make you feel?

“The idea of an in depth process (vs showing up to a photo shoot the day off without any prior planning) definitely was nerve-wracking but, in a way, it also made me feel better about the process.... because I knew the person taking these intimate pictures of me would understand who I was and know me as a person. I wasn't a random subject to the eye behind the camera, but a woman who was truly being seen for who she was. I knew it would require more self-reflection and it can be scary to open up and be vulnerable, but I knew that my opening up would also be reflected in the quality of the art.”

What was it that pushed you to hire me? Did you talk to other photographers first?

I talked to a couple other photographers before I talked to you, but I knew right away (just as I had when looking at your website) that I wanted to create this unique type of art with you. We were instantly able to connect on so many things during our conservation - including being a mom- and I felt at ease, even though I was essentially opening up to a stranger on that first call. This was the point where I really started to see myself actually going through this and doing a boudoir session, even though it was intimidating, because I knew I would feel comfortable with the person that would be helping me along the way.”

Did you enjoy the planning process with me? What did you love about it? Was there anything you wish would have been different?

I loved the planning process with you - you were so helpful in so many ways. Logistically, it was incredibly helpful to have you send me links for different clothing/attire and help me decide what to wear, and you asked questions about the details that I envisioned in the photo shoot, however you were also so helpful emotionally - you were so supportive and a cheerleader for me, that despite all my worries that I didn't have it in me to do this or that it wouldn't turn out well- you had NO doubt that these photographs would be beautiful and reassured me throughout the process. I also decided, even though I was truly doing the session for ME, that because our 15 year anniversary was also coming up, that I would also surprise my husband with these boudoir photos for the occasion. Because I kept this a secret from him and he is usually my sounding board, you truly became my confidante during the whole process.”

How did you feel driving to your session day-of?

On the way to the photo shot, I was very anxious and felt in the type of mood where you don't even know what to do with yourself while you're waiting for a big event to happen. Should I listen to music, should I call my sister to talk, should I just reflect on the drive there? Despite all our planning together and conversations over the phone, I really didn't know what it would feel like when I actually started the photo session. Even with all my nerves, I also was eagerly anticipating the session because I knew it would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I knew you would make it enjoyable and put me at ease.”

How long did it take you to start to feel comfortable in front of the camera? Was it immediate? Did it take a while? What do you think happened for you to start to feel comfortable and get into a fluid groove?

Although I felt awkward being in front of the camera itself when we started the session, I felt immediately comfortable with you in person. From the moment we "met in person" and hugged, we just clicked. Knowing that it was Shannon behind the camera, it didn't take very long to get into a groove because I was able to laugh at myself WITH you as I worked through the awkward feelings. You would direct me what to do while still letting the process feel natural, not posed.”

How did you feel during the session?

I truly felt empowered and beautiful during the session. You made the experience so much fun, and it was full of laughter, but it was also such a confidence-boosting experience hearing your encouragements and compliments as commentary while you captured photos of me. I felt so inspired, and even though I had no idea what the end result would look like, I began to feel like I was actually creating art with you.”

How did you feel leaving your session and the couple of days that followed?

I was on cloud nine when I left the photo shoot, and even though I quickly got pulled back into "reality" as I drove to pick up my kids from school immediately after the session, I kept smiling to myself knowing what I had just done. Since I didn't tell my husband about the experience either, it felt like I had this captivating secret that was all mine. Every time I thought of it (which was very frequently in the days that followed) I was simultaneously proud of myself and in awe that I had actually done this, and so excited/anxious to see the photographs.”

What did it feel like waiting to see your curated photographs?

The wait to see the photographs was almost more nerve-wracking than the wait to do the session! I was so excited to see the photographs but I truly didn't have any inkling of how they would actually look and couldn't envision them, so I tried to put aside my fears and be confident in the fact that I trusted you and your process... and I knew it would be worth it when I got to see the photographs.”

Did you enjoy the ordering session? Did it feel overwhelming? Did you feel like I held your hand enough? Did you feel confident in your choices of photographs and art?

The ordering session was a bit overwhelming initially, only because I was in awe that it was ME in the photographs and loved so many of them, that I couldn't even narrow it down to pick photos! You were very helpful in helping me figure out the best way to select my photos (a combination of wall art and archival prints) and allowing me to choose the ones that I love, while still giving feedback about the different ways we could arrange them in wall art and going through multiple configurations of how it would look on the wall. I took several days to deliberate my final choices for wall art, but when it was all done, I was confident in what we had decided.”

Now that you have the finished art, please tell me how you feel when you look at those photographs? Give me ALL of the details!

My photographs are on our bedroom wall, so I have seen them countless times since they have been hung, but every time I look at the pictures, I am still in awe that it is really me in them. I feel beautiful and sexy looking at them, but ironically, it is actually more of a daily reminder to myself to look internally as much as externally. When I look internally, these photographs make me feel empowered and I remind myself that I am capable, that I can do things outside of my comfort zone, and that I can have self- acceptance and self-compassion, because despite all my imperfections (as a wife, mother, and just person) - I am enough.

I will also add, surprising my husband with these photographs once they were all hung on the wall (and again, he had NO idea I had done boudoir photos) was an incredible experience. His jaw literally dropped upon the reveal of seeing the bedroom wall of photographs, and seeing myself through his eyes as he looked through all the pictures of me (the wall art and the prints) for the first time made me feel even more beautiful and comfortable in my own skin.”

Are you keeping this private or telling your friends about this session? Is this something you would recommend to your friends to do themselves?

I have told a few close friends and family members about this experience, and I think over time I will show more and more people these photos. This is still part of the process for me in learning to feel confident and accepting of who I am, so I know that this will take some time as it feels like a reveal of some inner part of me each time I share it, but I am so proud of what I did and the artwork we created together. I would hands down recommend that my friends have the experience of a boudoir photo shoot for themselves - it was such an incredible and empowering experience.”

Do you think we will create art again in the future (there is no wrong answer. I know for some this is a once in a life-time type session. For others they want to do it every few years or have family photographs taken)?

For me, I think that creating boudoir photos will likely be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but throughout this process, you and I became real life friends and I know that I will be seeing you in the future and am always open to the possibility of creating more art together - such as having family photographs.”

Is there anything else you want me to know? Any takeaways? Anything you learned about yourself?

I will forever be grateful for this experience and for meeting you in this process. Doing a boudoir photography session has not only been such an impactful experience in my life, but also helped form the foundation for a new friendship. I think this experience has already helped me in my journey, and will continue to do so for a very long time.”

During our designing process together. This was our final pick for the 7 photographs she would have framed for her wall.


Art on the wall

Museum Case with matted prints

Boca Raton Boudoir Photographer