To The Mama Struggling Through Pregnancy | Maggie Shackelford's Story

To The Mama Struggling Through Pregnancy | Maggie Shackelford's Story

Maggie Shackelford is an incredible photographer birth and family photographer. We’ve been following each other for years and she recently shared her story of her second pregnancy on Motherly.

No, this is not my story, but it is a LARGE part of my fears in having my own children. Her words are so raw and true. As business owners, and women, it’s a huge sacrifice to have children. People like Maggie inspire me every day. I’ve been too afraid to take the leap because I’m so scared of what will happen to this business I’ve spent the last 10+ years creating. What if I’m so sick during my pregnancy that I can’t work? What if something happens to me or the baby? What about after the baby is born? How much will I have to give of myself? I know to a lot that sounds selfish, but it’s a constant thought in the back of my mind.

Maggie talks about how hard it really is and it’s okay to feel that way and talk about it. I just love her words, her art, and the fact that she’s so willing to share this with the world what women really face.

Click to read her story.

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