film photographer boca

Boca Raton Family Session - Let the kids run free

Boca Raton Family Session - Let the kids run free

I truly believe that my duty as an artist is to not only fully plan out every session based on each, individual family’s personality, but also to build that trust so that they can let their guard down and let me in. These aren’t quick sessions where I tell you where to meet me and to wear whatever you want. This is weeks/months in the making and I’m getting to know every member of your family. I’m planning wardrobe based on each person’s age, likes, aesthetic, etc. We also plan around your home and where you’ll be displaying your art. Everything is cohesive and not a single detail is left out. It’s all a small part of a bigger picture (no pun intended) that is the goal of art you can hand down for generations. I’m not telling “a story”, I’m telling YOUR STORY.

So yes, I let the kids run free at our sessions together. I let them lead. I let them tell the story of their family. They are the ones who see us in our purest forms. To them we are good. To them we are love. To them, we are the magic makers. My goal is that when they are grown, they will look at these and it will hit them that they were the magic after all.

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