In-Home Family Session

I can not emphasize enough how important it is to work with a photographer who will get you family heirlooms for your home. What I mean by this is someone who will take the time to sit with you, go over the photographs with you, look at your home, decide if an album is better, decide if a framed gallery wall is better, decide if you’re someone who really is better suited for digital files, etc. I am 100% of the mind that photographs should get off of your computer and onto your walls. I also work with my clients to make sure that’s what’s going to be the best fit for them.

Inez contacted me about photographing her family in Boca Raton. I immediately emailed her back and we set up a phone consultation. There is a huge reason why I do this. I would rather meet in person, but I can’t do that with most of my clients. Many of them live over an hour from me or in a different state. So, phone is the next best thing. I make sure they are sitting by their computer and let them know that I do things a little differently than they are probably used to.

We talked about how her girls were growing so fast and she didn’t have any recent photographs of them. We went over ideas of photographing in her home, why it was important to capture this time in their lives, and then the clincher…I asked, “What do you plan to do with these photographs?” Then there was silence.

People are so used to having a session and then getting all of the files. They are downloaded from an online proofing gallery or mailed to them on a USB. This is what Inez was used to and expecting. I then asked her what she had done with the files from the last session she had done. That’s when Inez told me that she got married 6 years ago and still hadn’t chosen the photos for her wedding album. Do you know why this happens? Because it’s TOO OVERWHELMING! I told her that I wasn’t going to let this happen again and I was here to help. I let her know that after the session there would be a reveal session and we would do all of the ordering right there. There was no option to purchase after I left her home. That was it. It might sound harsh, but it’s the only way I can get my clients to think outside of the digital age. These photos are so important and they deserve to be looked at every single time you walk into your home.

I saw this the other day and it’s so true:


Computers crash. Thumb drives fail. Print your work! If the thought of all of that overwhelms you, hire a photographer who will help you make those overwhelming decisions so that you don’t have to. How amazing to have your session, have an ordering session a month later, have products at your door a month after that.

Here is the magic we created that day. I’m so glad that Inez and her family will forever be able to look back at this time in their lives. While I love the way these look on my blog, it is so much more satisfying that they will be in this family’s home.

You can also see this session featured on Cottage Hill!